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I always love showing and sharing Indian cuisine to the world. You may think that predominantly Chinese populations in Macau and China may not be open to Indian cuisines, but you cannot be more wrong.

India is full of wonderful street food dishes, and to choose two to present in Macau was not an easy decision.

CHEESE SAMOSA I chose goat cheese samosa in the end, a north punjab delicacy. We made the dough from scratch on location, then stuffed with potato , edamame beans. Deep-fried it. They didnt have moruku (Indian crispy snack), so I deep-fried vermicelli and sprinkled with chilli powder as an adaptation!


This chicken kebab roll is a hot favourite. We mixed chicken tikka, added garam masala, chat masala, mayonnaisec cabbage, spring onion, coriander and melted butter. Then we placed it on a wrap (we user tortilla as an alternative), rolled it then placed it in a sandwich presser. We served it piping hot, and it was a hot favourite.

lt's always good to be back home, but I relish such experiences as I always learn from the chefs we travel with. It was good teamwork, like a big family. A big thank you to the team from Michelin for taking care of us and our assistants.


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